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APSI 2024 Materials
APSI 2024 Materials
APSI 2024 Materials
APSI 2024 Materials
APSI 2024 Materials

APSI 2024 Materials

Product Code: APSI24-INPERSON
Sale price$0.00

Whether it's an In-Person or Virtual session, please indicate the number of expected participants in the quantity section.

3D Molecular Designs happily supports AP Summer Institutes with kits to offer as prizes to APSI participants. 

For In-Person sessions, we will provide a Flow of Genetic Information Kit©, CRISPR Adaptive Immunity Kit©, and Making the Cut with CRISPR-Cas9© kit. 

For Virtual sessions, we will provide enough Nucleotide Student Modeling Packs© for each of your participants. Virtual session materials will be shipped to one location, and instructors are responsible for distributing the materials to their participants. 

Whether it's an In-Person or Virtual session, please indicate the number of expected participants in the quantity section. If you are hosting more than one session this summer, you must complete an order for each session.

To complete your order, add to cart and check out via Purchase Order. Enter "APSI 2024" as your PO number. Please allow 2 weeks for shipping.

Both In-Person and Virtual session instructors and participants will also receive access to explore a DNA Monomer Interactable, an activity included in our brand-new Digital Modeling Hub. Participants will also receive a coupon code for 10% off our kits and models.